Man hugs crying 14-year-old dog who dies seconds later: ‘

This is a strong and resilient man who shocked the world because he had to say a painful goodbye to the puppy of his life. Unfortunately, our little animals do not last forever and the day comes when they must end their cycle and cross the rainbow. There are countless videos online that capture this heartbreaking moment; many believe that sending away their pets is “something they would not wish on their worst enemy”. The poor man had to face the worst pain he could imagine. But recently, some scenes have particularly touched Internet users. Maybe because the background music adds to it, or maybe because we are talking about an obviously rude owner who finally broke down when his dog inevitably leaves his life. He can’t imagine life without his dog.

These are images that show the most sensitive side of a man. Many have touched the deepest fibers of the soul, because it is the dog that has accompanied him for 14 years of his life and has become another son. The scene takes place on a veterinarian’s stretcher, where he is given a medicine that will put him to sleep forever. He wishes he could prolong his days and that his presence at his side would be eternal. The dog has already received an injection, he will be on the other side in a few minutes, but his eyes are still open. His master finds no comfort and he lowers his head to join his furry friends, dissolving in a deep embrace that he never wants to end.

The man falls and cries inconsolably. At one point he tries to caress him, look him in the eyes, kiss him as if to hug him, but he knows that he is running out of time. Thank you for every second of loyalty, thank you for every second of love! The networks quickly responded with touching comments on empathy for the pain of the man they consider theirs. “My God, I should have done this a few months ago. You may be the strongest person, but when it comes to your children, you break down very quickly. “I will never forget our last look,” one person wrote.

“It made me cry and brought back memories of one of the hardest days of my life,” another person said. And it’s something that only those who have experienced that deep and indescribable pain of seeing a child run away on all fours can understand what this person felt. At this moment, neither tattoos, nor physical force, nor rudeness are worth anything… This is when feelings come flooding back and this heartbroken person managed to touch millions of compassionate hearts with his drama. Even though it hurts, we are comforted by the fact that this furry beauty received all the love in the world from him until his last breath.

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