Inès Reg: the sad reason why the dancer was in tears “I learned that…

Inès Reg: the sad reason why the dancer was in tears “I learned that…

The “Dancing With The Stars” dancer was in tears this Friday, April 12, 2024 for a particularly touching reason…


Inès Reg, the talented dancer from the hit show Danse Avec Les Stars, returned to service this Friday, April 12, 2024. In great shape, Ines Reg told Camille Combal, the presenter of the show: “It’s getting better to insanity “. Having the chance to choose the song to which she was going to dance, Inès Reg opted for the title “Voilà” by Barbara Pravi.

Explaining to the presenter that “The words resonate enormously. This music is totally what I am, what I live. It’s okay to be weak, it’s okay to say things aren’t going well, to not smile.”

One of the particularities of this performance was the emotion that emerged from it. Indeed, Inès Reg did not fail to express all the gratitude she has towards her family who have supported her since the start of the Dancing with the Stars adventure.


During the last rehearsals, she confided: “Since the start of my adventure, my family has been there all the time. They are always super proud of me, I am super proud of us and of each bonus and that’s what calms me down every time…

In this same outpouring of love, his mother wanted to send him a statement that was both simple and touching. In a vibrant message, she declared: “It’s a ball of energy, it’s a ray of sunshine, it shines as it usually shines. She amazes me day by day. My rainbow, my life, we are proud of you and we love you madly.” A message that certainly warmed the heart of Inès Reg.

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