Alfie Andrew, an Englishman from AGT, receives a STANDING OVATION. Simon joins him on stage


Taking to the stage with confidence, the young contestant wore an outfit that appeared to have been inspired by none other than judge Simon Cowell. Alfie smiled and said: “I’m a singer. When someone asked him if he was a comedian because of his calm demeanor, he smiled and replied, “No.”

After this conversation, Simon praised her fashion and said, “You look really cool,” which set a good tone for the rest of the meeting.

Hard work is second nature to Alfie, whose parents both work in the automotive industry. Her mother also owns a nail salon. His unwavering dedication to his music, an unconventional path that has the full support of his family, mirrors that of his parents.

Alfie started the show off well by singing Lady Gaga’s “Hold My Hand,” a song that draws on a broad spectrum of emotion and precise vocal manipulation. The events that happened next were truly astonishing. The audience was filled with the young singer’s unique and remarkably accomplished voice. There was an immediate reaction from the public; shouts of joy echoed throughout the arena. Simon and the other judges were particularly struck, their faces betraying a mixture of astonishment and respect.

An unprecedented standing ovation, unheard of for auditions, greeted Alfie’s performance. The audience was captivated from start to finish. With a resounding “yes,” the judges sent him to the next round.

Motivated by genuine togetherness, Simon took to the platform to personally congratulate Alfie, who had clearly impressed him with his talent and style. Symbolizing Simon’s recognition of Alfie’s potential, the moment when they compared their clothes, pointing out the surprising resemblance, was charming and funny.

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