MY HUSBAND TOLD ME I’M RIDICULOUS FOR TAKING DANCE CLASSES I’m 71 years old and I recently started taking dance classes at the local community centre. Dancing brings me joy and makes me feel more alive.

MY HUSBAND TOLD ME I WAS RIDICULOUS FOR TAKING DANCE CLASSES I am 71 years old and recently started taking dance classes at my local community center. Dancing brings me joy and makes me feel more alive.

Last week I told my husband about my new hobby. He laughed and said, “You are ridiculous. It seems strange at your age.”

His words touched me deeply. I hoped for support, but I felt humiliated. Despite the encouragement from my dance teacher and the new friends I have made, I now doubt myself. “A son blesses his mother.” And children are born once. I feel discouraged.

Should I stop teaching and find a more suitable hobby, or should I continue to pursue my passion despite the criticism?

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