Recently spent $6,500 on a registered Black Angus bull. I chased him with the herd, and he just ate grass and didn’t even look at the cow. Starting to think I over paid this bull more than he was worth. Whatever it is.. Had the vet come see him. He said, bull…

I put him in with the herd but he would only eat grass and wouldn’t even look at a cow. I was starting to think I paid more for this bull than he was worth. Anyway… I had the vet come out and check him out. He said the bull was very healthy but maybe just a little young so he gave me some pills to give him once a day.

The bull started mating with the cows within two days… all my cows! He even crossed the fence and bred with all my neighbor’s cows! He’s like a machine! I don’t know what was in the pills the vet gave him… but they taste like peppermint.

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