My single father introduced me to his mate as a maid. Not letting it go. My dad is single and we have been best friends ever since I was a kid. I even help him flirt with women on dating sites sometimes. But recently, he’s crossed a significant line. Came home from a night out at a friends and surprised him with his new girlfriend. She looked at me and asked “Who is this? “My father, without hesitation, said, “Oh, that’s the cleaning lady working here.” » His girlfriend then had the audacity to say, “Well, can you please clean the room?”

Clara and her widowed father are very close, but his latest romantic gesture turns things upside down. When her father calls her the cleaning lady to impress his new girlfriend, Clara is hurt and angry. Determined to teach her father a lesson, Clara decides to show that this “cleaning lady” knows how to tidy more than just rooms.

The “mess” really started ten years ago, when I was only seven years old.

A happy mother and daughter | Source: Pexels

After Mom passed away, it was just Dad and me in our big old house. I missed her every day, but I knew Dad needed me, so I tried to be strong.

I became pretty good at making simple meals like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Sometimes I would pour cereal and milk for breakfast or help Dad with the laundry by folding clothes and matching socks. I wanted to help him out in any way I could.

A father and daughter cooking together | Source: Pexels

The house felt emptier without Mom, and I knew Dad felt it too.

But the loneliness also brought Dad and me closer together, and we became best friends. We spent our evenings talking about our day, watching movies, or just sitting on the porch.

A father playing with his daughter | Source: Pexels

I really loved those moments. They made me feel close to him, like we were a team. He would tell me stories about Mom, and I would tell him about my school adventures. Those conversations helped us both heal a little each day.

One day, I found Dad staring at his computer, puzzled. “What’s wrong, Dad?” I asked.

A man using his laptop | Source: Pexels

He sighed, “I’m trying to create a profile on this dating site, Clara, but I don’t know what to write.”

I laughed. “Let me help you, Dad!” I said. I jumped on his lap and looked at the screen. “Tell them you like fishing and reading.”

He laughed. “Do you think that’s a good idea?”

A girl and her father using a laptop | Source: Freepik

“Yeah! And tell me you’re a great cook,” I added with a smile, knowing he only knew how to make spaghetti and scrambled eggs.

Dad took my advice and it became our little game. He’d show me messages from women and I’d help him respond. Sometimes I’d make silly suggestions just to make him laugh. “Tell him you can make a great peanut butter sandwich,” I’d say, and we’d both laugh. It was good to see him smile again.

Peanut butter and jelly on slices of bread | Source: Unsplash

Even though life without Mom was hard, Dad and I found ways to make it better. We leaned on each other and grew closer every day. Helping him navigate the dating world was just one of the ways I showed him I cared. I wanted him to be happy and he wanted the same for me.

We were a team and together we could handle anything. But one night, everything changed.

I had just come back from a fun night at my friend Emma’s. As I walked into our living room, I was shocked to see Dad and a woman I didn’t recognize. They were cuddled up on the couch and Dad was whispering something in her ear. I nearly dropped my backpack in shock.

Dad’s face turned bright red when he saw me. He jumped up, looking like a deer caught in the headlights. “Um, Clara! Hi! Um, it’s, uh…” He stuttered so much that I almost felt sorry for him.

“Who’s this, Daniel?” the woman asked, breaking the awkward silence.

In his nervousness, Dad blurted out, “It’s Clara, my housekeeper… the cleaning lady!” »

My eyes widened in surprise. A maid? Seriously, Dad? I felt a mixture of shock and betrayal.

“Oh, is that her?” the woman said with a big smile. “Great! Clara, today you have to clean the room. After our night there, we need to do a good cleaning!”

My jaw dropped. I couldn’t believe this was happening. Cleaning the room after their night together?

I glanced at Dad, and he looked like he wanted to be swallowed up by the floor.

“Da… I mean, Mr. Daniels, the room?” I asked, trying to control my anger.

“Yes…” he sighed sadly. “That’s all for today.”

“Sure, Mr. Daniel,” I finally said, trying to keep a straight face.

I grabbed a nearby duster and ran upstairs, glaring at them. This was so unlike Dad, and I couldn’t believe he introduced me as the maid.

As I entered the room, I saw that it was a complete mess.

Clothes were strewn everywhere and the bed wasn’t made. The lingering scent of the woman’s perfume filled the air, making me wrinkle my nose. I didn’t feel like cleaning the house, especially after this embarrassing situation.

I sat there, thinking about what I should do. I had to teach Dad a lesson for putting me in such an embarrassing position.

If his new girlfriend didn’t like kids, she had to know that I was a big part of Dad’s life. And if Dad was hiding me because of that, it wasn’t fair to either of us. Why would Dad be with someone who couldn’t accept me?

Then it hit me. I had to confront Dad in a way that would expose his dishonesty without making things worse. I had to be smart about it. It had to be something he couldn’t get away with.

I sat on the bed, the mess around me mirroring the whirlwind


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