A NOTE FROM THE DELIVERY GUY MADE ME INSTALL SECURITY CAMERAS AROUND MY HOUSE – I’LL FOREVER BE GRATEFUL TO HIM. I often order food delivery when I’m too tired to cook for my kids, and over time, we got close with the delivery guy in our area. However, the last time he arrived, he seemed nervous and fidgety. Instead of talking to my little ones, as he usually does, and high-fiving them before leaving, he shoved the food into my hands and rushed back to his car. Stunned and confused, I watched him drive away. As I brought the food into the kitchen, still wondering what his deal was, I happened to look at the back of the bag — and froze. In shaky handwriting, there was a message that made me forget about lunch and everything else.

The delivery guy’s hurried note had me rushing out to my backyard trash cans. What I found there sent chills down my spine. His strange warning had likely saved my family from something terrifying, but the danger was far from over.

I often order food when I’m too tired to cook for my kids, and over time, Ravi, the delivery guy, became familiar. He’d always say hello to Kai and Isla with a high-five before leaving. But last Tuesday night felt different.

When Ravi arrived, he seemed jittery, fidgeting as he handed me the food. Without a word, he dashed back to his car. “What’s up with Ravi?” Kai asked, peeking out the window. I watched Ravi’s taillights disappear down the street and shrugged. “No idea, buddy. Maybe he’s just in a hurry.”

I brought the food inside, but something caught my eye. On the back of the bag, in messy handwriting, was a message that made my heart skip. “CHECK YOUR TRASH CAN.”

I set the bag down and looked at my kids. “Hey, why don’t you two go wash up? I’ll get everything ready.” After they were out of sight, I bolted to the backyard. The note replayed in my head as I neared the trash cans. My hands were shaking as I opened the lid of the first one.

Nothing. Just the usual garbage. I moved to the second can, dread building with each step. I opened it, and froze. Wrapped in a dirty blanket was a bundle of gloves and small tools. At the bottom, a bottle with no label sat, filled with a strange liquid.

“Mom? Are you okay?” Isla’s voice startled me. I slammed the lid down and turned, forcing a smile. “Yeah, sweetie. Just checking something. Go on inside.”

Once she was gone, I pulled out my phone and called the sheriff.

“Sheriff’s Department, this is Leona speaking.”

“Leona, it’s Nora. I need you to come over right away. I found something in my trash.”

“Slow down, Nora. What did you find?” she asked, her tone serious. I whispered what I’d seen.

“Don’t touch anything,” Leona said. “I’m coming now. Stay inside with the kids.”

I went back inside, my mind racing. Recently, our neighborhood had seen a string of break-ins. The thieves used chemicals to weaken locks and cleaned up any evidence. I realized it: they were planning to break into my house next.

Kai looked at me from the kitchen table. “Mom, what’s going on? You look scared.”

I forced a smile. “Everything’s fine, honey. Let’s eat, okay?”

But just as we started eating, a knock at the door made me jump. I was relieved when I saw Leona through the peephole.

“Kids, stay here and finish your dinner,” I said, stepping outside to talk to her. I told her everything—what I’d found, Ravi’s strange behavior.

“You did the right thing calling me,” Leona said, looking down the street. “I’ll take a look at what’s in the trash and get it to the lab. In the meantime, I recommend beefing up your security. We’ll patrol the house all night, just in case they try something.”

I nodded, already planning my next steps. “I’ll call a security company first thing in the morning.”

Leona placed a hand on my shoulder. “Try to rest, Nora. We’ll figure this out.” But sleep was impossible. That night, I researched security systems for hours, jumpy with every little sound outside. By morning, I was a mess of caffeine and nerves.

As soon as it hit 8 a.m., I called the first security company I could find. “Hi, I need cameras installed today, please.”

“Our earliest slot is next week,” the receptionist said.

“You don’t understand,” I interrupted, my voice cracking. “Someone’s planning to break into my home. I need those cameras now.”

After a long pause, she came back on the line. “We had a cancellation. Our team can be there in two hours. Is that okay?”

I sighed in relief. “Yes, thank you.”

The next few hours passed in a blur. I called in sick to work, kept the kids home, and paced the house. Every car, every person walking by felt suspicious.

Just as the security team finished, Leona’s patrol car pulled up. Her face was serious.

“Nora, can we talk inside?” she asked.

I led her inside, heart pounding. “Kids, go play in your rooms for a bit.”

Once they were out of earshot, Leona spoke. “The lab results came back. The liquid in the bottle? It’s a powerful corrosive, used to weaken locks.”

I sank onto the couch. “So it’s true… they were planning to break in.”

Leona nodded. “But you did everything right, Nora. You’ve got cameras now, and we’re increasing patrols in the neighborhood.”

“Should I talk to Ravi?” I asked. “What if he’s involved?”

“If you see him, yes. But be careful. We don’t know if he’s part of this or just an innocent witness.”

At that moment, I spotted Ravi outside my neighbor’s house. “He’s here now,” I whispered, moving toward the window.

Leona nodded. “Go talk to him. I’ll keep watch.”

I stepped outside, my heart racing. Ravi was getting on his bike when he saw me.

“Hey,” I called out, trying to sound calm. “Got a minute?”

He looked tense but nodded.

“I’m sorry about yesterday,” Ravi said before I could speak. “I should’ve said something, but I was scared.”

“Scared of what?” I asked, though I already had an idea.

Ravi glanced around nervously. “When I parked, I saw these guys messing with your trash. They didn’t look good. I wanted to warn you, but I was afraid they might still be around.”

My heart leaped with relief. “That’s why you left the note?”

“Yeah,” he nodded. “Sorry if I scared you. I just didn’t know what else to do.”

“Ravi,” I said, my voice thick with emotion, “you might have saved my family. Thank you.”

He looked relieved. “Really? You’re not mad?”

“Not at all. In fact, I owe you.”

As Ravi rode off, I felt a mix of gratitude and fear. The danger wasn’t over, but at least I wasn’t facing it alone.

Leona was on the phone when I returned inside. She hung up as I approached.

“We’ve got leads from Ravi’s description,” she said. “We’ll catch these guys, Nora. Stay alert.”

That night, after tucking Kai and Isla in, I sat in front of the new security monitors. The cameras showed nothing but empty streets. But I couldn’t shake the feeling that somewhere out there, someone was watching, waiting for the perfect moment.

I thought about Ravi’s quick thinking, Leona’s dedication, and my own newfound strength. Whatever came next, we’d face it together. For now, all I could do was watch and wait.

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