This woman adopted the baby of her husband’s late ex-wife👧👏She wanted to save the poor baby from foster care, but … The woman got heavily criticized instead

The story of Christie and Wesley Werts is a touching testament to resilience, love, and the transformative power of family. Their journey to bring Levi home reveals both the beauty and challenges of adoption. From the moment they learned about Levi’s heartbreaking circumstances—a newborn born prematurely, tragically orphaned, and left without care—Christie and Wesley felt an undeniable pull to become his family.

hristie’s unique connection to Levi was especially profound. Having herself spent time in foster care, she deeply understood the need for stability and love. Remarkably, before knowing about Levi, she had dreams of a blonde-haired, blue-eyed baby—a vision that became reality when they met him for the first time. This moment, filled with emotion, reinforced her belief that Levi was meant to be part of their family.

However, the road to adoption was anything but easy. Faced with legal complexities and the need to relocate to Texas, they sold their home in Ohio, stepping into a maze of court hearings and interviews that stretched over 16 months. Despite moments of uncertainty and outside criticism, the Werts family held steadfast, documenting their story online. Their journey was embraced by many who shared their hope and encouraged their dream to create a forever home for Levi.

Now, Levi is a thriving two-year-old, surrounded by the love of his parents and siblings, Megan, Austin, and Dakota. Christie and Wesley plan to share his adoption story with him as he grows, celebrating the strength it took to bring him home. Their story has not only touched the hearts of their community but also stands as an inspiring reminder of how love can overcome even the greatest challenges.

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