Henry’s daughter Sophie met Sandra at school and spent some time with her. After hearing about his daughter’s new friend all week, Henry was curious to meet her. He decided to call Sandra’s mother and arrange a meeting with her. They agreed to meet at McDonald’s. Henry was left speechless when Sandra and her mom Wendy walked in. The woman also gasped after seeing Sophie: “Oh my god, they really look like twins! “exclaimed Wendy. The girls have gone to the playground, letting the adults talk. Hello, my name is Henry. “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Henry says while shaking Wendy’s hand. She echoed that feeling. “Wow, I can’t believe this.” “I’ve heard of carbon copies, but that has to be something else,” Wendy said as they watched the girls play. “What do you mean? ” “” asked Henry.

Henry’s daughter Sophie met Sandra, who looked exactly like her, at school and spent time with her. They were convinced they were twin sisters. Henry was shocked when he met Sandra and her mother and decided to find out what had happened. Henry moved from Texas to Los Angeles when his daughter, Sophie, was seven and about to start second grade. “Okay, here we are. Your new school, Sophie. Are you excited?” he asked his daughter as he dropped her off. “I think so…” Sophie replied, twirling her fingers around her skirt nervously. “What if no one likes me?” “They will. You just have to be nice to everyone, and if someone is mean to you, you go the other way. No fighting, okay?” Henry added and kissed her forehead. Sophie waved goodbye and entered the school. She immediately located her classroom, and everyone was already inside. But all the kids’ eyes widened and some even gasped when they saw her. She stopped right in front of the door and looked around, confused. Her new classmates started to turn their heads between her and another girl sitting at the back. She tried to peek in and saw a blond head. Suddenly, a boy shouted, “That’s Sandra’s clone!”

That’s when Sophie saw the girl at the back of the class and she gasped at the sight. The girl looked exactly like her! Sandra stood up and looked at the new girl with her mouth wide open. “Wow! They look like twins!” she exclaimed, smiling widely. Sophie immediately felt at ease and smiled at the girl as well. “Yeah. But why?” I don’t have any sisters,” she replied. “Me neither! It’s just my mom and me,” Sandra said as she jumped up to Sophie and held her hand. “Come sit with me.” They spent a few minutes chatting and other children came up to them as well. Then the teacher, Miss Carr, came in. “I think we have a new student today, Sophie Douglas. Come say hello,” their teacher said and suddenly she gasped a little “Oh.” “Miss Carr, she’s just like Sandra!” one child said as Sophie walked to the front of the class. “Hi, I’m Sophie. I love books and going to the beach with my dad. We moved from Texas and I’m so excited to make new friends,” the girl said as she smiled at everyone. Miss Carr clapped as the rest of the class followed her.

“That’s great, Sophie. And it looks like you have a twin in our class.” That’s so cool! You can go sit down now. Okay, today we’re going to learn about frogs…” Miss Carr immediately began her lesson. Sophie and Sandra played with all of Sandra’s friends all day. They bonded faster than anyone could have imagined. When school was over, Sophie told her dad all about Sandra and how they looked alike. After hearing about his new friend all week, Henry was curious to see her and decided to call Sandra’s mom to talk about it all. They set up a playdate and decided to meet at McDonald’s a few days after Sophie’s first day at her new school. When Sandra and her mom, Wendy, walked in, Henry’s jaw dropped. He couldn’t believe his daughter hadn’t exaggerated. The woman gasped as well after seeing Sophie. “Oh my gosh. Hi! You must be Sophie. Sandra’s been telling me about you all week. You really do look like twins!” » Wendy exclaimed with a big smile. The girls went to the playground and the adults were finally able to talk. “Hello, I’m Henry. Nice to meet you,” Henry said as he shook Wendy’s hand. They sat down at one of the booths and continued to chat. She echoed the sentiment. “Wow, I can’t believe it. I’ve read about counterparts, but it must be something else,” Wendy commented as they watched the girls play. “What do you mean?” “Well, Sandra doesn’t know it yet, but I adopted her. Is Sophie biologically yours?” “Yes. I mean, my ex-wife, Irene, found out she was pregnant after we separated and had her. We were co-parents, but she died a year ago, and now I have full custody. I was worried about Sophie, you know,” Henry stammered. “She just lost her mother, and I had to move here for work. It’s too much of a change. But Sandra has been a godsend. Sophie has been smiling all week and talking about how much they have in common. I can’t thank your daughter enough.” “Where did you move from?” “Texas. We used to live in Dallas,” Henry replied. “Hmmm…” Wendy hummed,

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