Someone took a picture of her falling in the supermarket, then everyone who knew her laughed at her. The whole internet knows her by now, but she used her “fame” to reveal something shocking.

You may have seen the video of the woman who slipped and fell in the store. This happened in 2012. The photo went viral after the text was added and became a widely shared image online. Jennifer Knapp Wilkinson, after confirming that she is indeed the woman in the photo, made the following comments about her “15 minutes of fame”: Apparently, it depicts 2 people and the text “This is my 15 minutes of fame. You’ve probably seen the photo. Even worse, it makes it look like an overweight woman falling out of her stroller because she’s too lazy to go out and buy the juice she wants.”

“I have a serious spinal condition in which one of the vertebrae has shifted.” “The most common symptoms of the condition are associated with weakness in the body and legs. Because of this, I am overweight and suffer from chronic depression. I struggle with my illness daily, I go to the gym, but my weight is still a challenge.” “The photo was taken in 2012 when my legs were really straining me, so I used a stroller. I wanted to buy juice for my husband, he was drinking a lot of it. “I bent down to pick it up, but the stroller slipped.

I didn’t think much about the incident because I was used to the mean comments made about me.” “Even though my disabilities are invisible, they are real and present. So the next time you see pictures of people making fun of you, remember that you don’t know anything about them or the problems they face on a daily basis. Making fun of someone is NEVER harmless.”

“I am not asking anyone to accept obesity because it can cause many other diseases. At the same time, I am not asking anyone to feel sorry for me or pity me. “What I want is compassion, understanding and respect for another human being. I am a person – please treat me like that!” Please SHARE this amazing message with your family and friends!


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