Tina thought she was living happily ever after marrying her high school sweetheart. However, after being kicked out by her husband and raising her son alone, she would later learn how serious the consequences of our actions are. An extravagant traditional white wedding had always been Tina’s dream. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case when she ran away with her high school sweetheart, Richard, at the age of 18. Richard came from a fairly wealthy family, and the idea of ​​running away seemed somewhat arbitrary to Tina. However, in her heart, she was simply happy to marry the man she loved. Richard’s wealthy background was never her interest; she truly loved Richard. “Get out of here, Tina! If I see you here again, we’ll have a problem!” After a few months together, Tina became pregnant. Even though they had never talked about having children, Tina was overjoyed at the revelation and couldn’t wait to tell her husband. “What do you mean you’re pregnant?” Richard asked, flustered. “I thought you’d be more excited. I know we didn’t plan this, but I know what a family man you are. You’d be a great dad,” Tina reassured him. “Family man? The only reason we’re together is so I can get some distance from the family I already have! How could you do this to me?” Richard snapped. Tina was completely taken aback by Richards’ words. “Was he showing his true colors now?” she thought. “No, not my Richard,” she concluded. Tina convinced herself that he still needed a little more time to process everything and that she would have to be patient. The next day, Richard came home drunk and threw Tina out of their apartment unannounced. “Get out, Tina! If I see you here again, we’ll have a problem!” he said. Tina didn’t put up a fight but simply left, thinking Richard would come to his senses later. A few days later, Tina went to the apartment and discovered that Richard had changed the locks. She then called Richard’s parents and the conversation that ensued left Tina distraught. “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Tinney. I was trying to get a hold of Richard. We recently…” Tina tried to explain before being rudely interrupted. “What nerve, young lady! Calling after all you did to our Richy!” Mrs. Tinney said. “Me? I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understand.” Please… I don’t know what you heard, but let me explain…” Tina tried to explain before being interrupted again. “We heard everything! How you cheated on him and got pregnant with another man’s child! Don’t ever call here again, or we’ll sue you!” Mrs. Tinney exclaimed. At that moment, it was as clear as day to Tina; she and her unborn child were on their own. Years passed and Tina took it upon herself to raise her child with what love and strength she had left. Her son, Greg, made it easier for her. As she struggled to make ends meet, Greg’s awareness of their problems and his willingness to help and pitch in took some of the pressure off Tina. Tina had always been transparent with her son about what had happened between her and his father. Greg was grateful to his mother for all her efforts and worked hand in hand with her to put food on the table. At just 15 years old, Greg got his first ball as a caddy at the local golf club. Although he started working at a young age, he never let it interfere with his studies. Greg was never the brightest in his classes, but he had adopted an incredible work ethic. Greg eventually graduated high school with honors and opened a business with the money he had saved from his job shortly after. Tina was extremely proud of the man Greg was becoming. However, she worried about the anger Greg had begun to harbor toward his estranged father. Greg never spoke much, but whenever his father or the very idea of ​​fatherhood came up in conversation, Tina couldn’t help but notice the indignant look in her son’s eyes. Over the years, Greg’s business grew, doing better by the day. He eventually became quite wealthy. He even hired his mother in one of their main offices. At only 26 years old, Greg was one of the most successful people under 30 in his town. One day, Greg decided it was time to visit his father. He had been following his movements for a while, but never quite figured out when he would make his grand entrance.


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