Rich landlord kicks out poor elderly woman and meets her at his family dinner on the same day Diane,

A heartless landlord gives a woman a rent notice for not paying her rent. But when he goes to his sister’s house for a family dinner, he’s shocked to find her there.

Life is hard, and it gets even harder when the hearts around us are made of stone. Diane Salinger knew life. At sixty-two, she had seen far more dark days than sunny ones and had shed many tears.

But Diane was not the kind of woman to give up. Every time life knocked her down, she bounced back, ready to fight again. She had lost her husband three years before, and then a tornado had leveled her house. But she simply rose to the challenge and started over.

She took her savings and bought herself a small grocery store in a nice mid-sized town in Michigan. It was perfect for her. A town big enough to enjoy some of the exotic goods she intended to carry, small enough to be cozy and warm.

The neighborhood is warm and cozy, but Diane’s landlord, Chris Turkle, is not. Diane rented her small apartment just steps from the store from Chris.

When the going gets tough, it’s important to be there for each other.
As for Diane, she was the perfect tenant. She was quiet, didn’t damage the property, and always paid her rent on time. And then one month, she ran out of money.

Chris spread out the money he’d taken from the envelope in front of Diane and waved it in her face. “$120 short, Mrs. Salinger.”

Diane blushed. “As I was explaining, Mr. Turkle, since so many small businesses have struggled during Covid… Well, I’ve been extending credit to some families in need… And this month, I’m a little short. But you know I’m good at that!” I’ll pay you the $120 in two weeks…”

“It happened once, and that’s enough for me, Mrs. Salinger. You’re OUT,” Chris said coldly, and he turned and walked out. He felt completely vindicated. He had seen Diane’s grocery store, and it was doing a brisk business.

There were always people coming in and out with heavy shopping bags of delicious-looking produce, and her deli section, he had heard, was extremely popular. “Short on cash, indeed!” he cried. “Profiting, that’s what it is!”

Chris went home and got ready to go to his little sister’s for dinner. Vanessa was his favorite sister, and he often worried about her. She had married and divorced a man who seemed to be constantly unemployed, and Vanessa worked two jobs to make ends meet.

He had offered to let his 16-year-old son work on the weekends, but Vanessa always refused, blushing. “It’s okay, Chris,” she said. “I’ll manage!” But Chris had seen the dark circles under her eyes and how thin her face was becoming.

“If you’re going to go broke playing Mother Teresa, that’s YOUR problem,” Chris retorted. “I, Mrs. Salinger, am a businessman, not a charity! I want you gone by the end of the week!”

“But Mr. Turkle…” Diane protested. “It’s only for a week, and it won’t happen again!”

It was his nephew’s birthday, so Chris slipped a $20 bill into an envelope and put it in his jacket pocket. Then he headed out the door and walked the three blocks to Vanessa’s house.

He knocked on the door and Vanessa greeted him with a happy smile. She looked more relaxed and much happier. What she was making for dinner smelled delicious and his mouth was watering.

“Hi!” he said, kissing her on the cheek. “Where’s the birthday boy?”

“She’s playing video games with Diane!” Vanessa smiled. “Come in!” Vanessa headed for the stairs and called out, “Joss, Diane, come down! It’s dinner time!”

To Chris’s dismay, Mrs. Salinger, the tenant he had just kicked out of his property, came in and she seemed to be on very good terms with her nephew and sister! Diane was equally astonished to see Chris, but she was admirably cool.

“Hello,” she smiled. “Good to see you. I didn’t know you were Vanessa’s brother…”

Chris blushed and cleared his throat. “Um… Yes, my little sister… you know…”

“Come on, everyone,” Vanessa cried. “The roast’s getting cold!”

“Roast!” Joss cried. “It’s my favorite… But Mom, I know you don’t get paid until next week! How can we afford it?”

Diane smiled at Joss and patted his hand. “Don’t worry about it,” she said. “Your mom’s credit is good for me.” It smells GOOD, and I’m starving!”

Chris leaned over in a low voice and asked, “Is Vanessa the person you’re helping?”

Diane smiled. “She’s one of them,” she replied. “Maybe she didn’t tell you, but one of her jobs fell through, so I’m just helping her until she gets back on her feet.”

Chris felt a wave of shame color his cheeks. “I’m so sorry about… you know… But why doesn’t Vanessa come see me?”

Diane said softly, “You know, we all have our pride. Vanessa wants to stand on her own two feet and raise her son. A friend’s help is one thing, being a poor parent asking for charity is another.”

Chris whispered, “I’m telling you, from now on, you get the apartment for half price.” Let’s just say it’s an investment in the well-being of the city and my sister!”

By the end of the night, Chris had discovered that Diane was a very charming and funny woman and that he really enjoyed her company. That night, his perception of his community changed. He was going to follow Diane’s example. He was going to lend a hand.

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