On our wedding night, I took off my wedding dress and when my husband saw what was underneath,

“They were great. Jake even helped me make dinner. Sort of,” he laughed. I smiled, but it quickly faded as the reality of my day hit me. “So, how did it go?” he asked, motioning for me to sit at the dining table. “Did you nail the presentation?” “No, not really. I mean, the presentation itself went well, thanks to you… but my boss doesn’t think I can handle the promotion. Personal stuff keeps getting in the way.” I felt my chest tighten as I said it out loud. “I’m sorry, Emma. It’s not fair, especially after everything you’ve been through.” I glanced at the food he had prepared. My stomach growled. “Let’s go get dinner.” Nick smiled again. I caved. The smell of hot food made me realize how hungry I was. We ate in silence, and for once, it wasn’t awkward. It was comforting. The food was tasty. After dinner, I pushed my plate away. “Thanks, Nick. I think I’ll just lie down with the kids for a bit.” “Take your time.” I immediately fell asleep until morning. I woke up to a text from my boss. You’ll get the promotion if you can manage your time better. I blinked in disbelief. Nick handed me a cup of coffee, and I glanced over at the kids playing in the yard. They were completely absorbed in their new ball and scooter, laughing and chasing each other around like nothing else in the world mattered. “Thanks for the coffee,” I smiled, taking the cup. “You know, I already talked to your boss this morning,” Nick said casually, taking a sip from his cup. I froze mid-sip, looking at him in surprise. “Wait, you talked to my boss?” “I told him how hard things have been for you lately, and how you’ve been holding up since your husband left. I also told him I’d be there to help you with the kids so you could focus on your work.” I looked at him, stunned. “And he listened to you?” “Yes,” he replied with a smile. “You get another chance. I convinced him you deserved it.” I looked at him, trying to figure out how someone who had only just entered my life could have done so much for me. “Nick, who are you? How do you do all this?” » He chuckled softly, glancing at the children who continued to playfully kick the ball around. “I run my own IT company. A few years ago, it was all-consuming, but now I’ve set it up so that it practically runs itself. Now I can focus more on the good things in life… like you and your kids. So…” “You’re amazing,” I whispered. “Give me a chance to be closer, Emma.” I felt warmth spread through my chest. He seemed so genuine, so reliable. I was ready to trust him again. “Let’s spend the weekend together,” I suggested, looking into his eyes. “And we’ll see how things go from there.”

Greg lay on the ground, his hands clutching his hair as if that would keep his world from falling apart.

“Greg? Is this true?” Marianne’s voice trembled, desperate for an explanation that would erase the truth she had just discovered.

Greg couldn’t answer. His entire body was shaking with guilt and fear.

“Tell me!” Marianne’s voice cracked, her disbelief turning to panic.

“Tell me it’s not true!”

James stepped forward, his voice tight with barely contained anger.

“Greg,” he growled, “is this true?”

Greg still couldn’t answer.

His sobs had subsided, but he remained curled up on the ground, unable to face the truth.

I decided to finish what I had started. “He slept with Sarah the night before our wedding.

He told her he needed ‘one last taste of freedom before he was bound to the same body forever.’”

Marianne let out a strangled sob and collapsed onto the bed, devastated by the betrayal. James’ face hardened, his disgust evident.

“You have dishonored this family,” James spat, his voice shaking with anger.

“How dare you do this to Lilith? How could you betray her like this?”

Greg finally looked up, his gaze wild with panic.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “I didn’t mean for this to happen. It was a mistake.”

“A mistake?” I repeated, my voice rising.

“You call cheating on me the night before our wedding a mistake? No, Greg. It wasn’t a mistake.

It was a choice. And now you face the consequences.”

Greg reached out to me, his hands shaking. “Please, Lilith.

I love you. I’ll do anything. Don’t leave me.”

I let out a cold laugh. “Love? You don’t even know what love is.

If you did, you never would have done this.”

He pleaded again, but I backed away, keeping my distance.

“I’m done, Greg. This marriage is over. You destroyed it the moment you went back to Sarah.”

James stepped in then, his voice low and menacing.

“Stand up,” he ordered, his patience wearing thin. “Stand up and face what you’ve done.”

Greg stood slowly, his legs wobbling beneath him, pathetic in his rumpled suit.

I glanced at Marianne, still crying on the bed, then at James, his anger barely contained.

“I’m leaving,” I announced, my voice firm. “You can take care of him.”

“Lilith, please,” Greg pleaded one last time, but I had already made up my mind.

I pulled on my robe, covering the tattoo, and headed for the door.

As I left the room, I heard James’ last words, thick with anger.

“It’s your fault, Greg. You ruined everything.”

I walked down the stairs, feeling lighter with each step.

His pitiful sobs echoed behind me, but they didn’t matter anymore.

I was free—free of the lies, free of the betrayal, and finally free of him.

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